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ENERGY GAMES-ENERGY TAKES SHAPE este un proiect ENPI de Cooperare Transfrontalieră ce şi-a propus să stimuleze participarea activă a elevilor şi a profesorilor în efortul de a reduce efectul emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră prin măsuri simple educative care să evidenţieze importanţa conservării resurselor naturale


This equipment reproduces a complete solar hydrogen energy cycle, easy for both individual and group work with its 20 pre-installed experiment sets. It is possible to approach the subject of renewable energies both as a complete cycle and at the level of the single technologies of photovoltaics and the fuel cell. The experiments carried out with this set may cover also physics and chemistry subjects like: molecules and chemical reactions, thermodynamics, electrochemistry.

Suggested experiments
  • Current/voltage characteristic curves of solar panel and fuel cell;
  • Faraday's first law;
  • Electrolysis;
  • Dependence of solar current on the distance and incident angle of the light source;
  • Series and parallel connection of solar and fuel cells;
  • Water = 2 parts hydrogen + 1 part oxygen.